May 09, 2016

Good Foods and Bad Foods for Asthma

Many people, both adults and children, suffer from asthma. Medical experts said that this condition can't be cured. Different person may suffer from different degree of asthma symptoms. Some of them only have minor asthma symptoms occasionally. Others may suffer from severe symptoms quite often. These attacks can be very nuisance for people with asthma.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a condition in which the airways are inflamed. Doctors are not sure why this chronic condition happens. There are many triggers that can cause asthma attack. But, not every asthma sufferers have similar triggers of asthma symptoms. These triggers will cause inflammation of the airways. It will also cause the muscles around the airways to swell. In consequence, the airways will be filed with mucus and narrow. This condition will surely cause them to have breathing difficulties and affect their life quality.

Asthma can't be cured. However, people with asthma can control their symptoms. Certain life styles and medication can decrease the severity of the symptoms. That’s why it's important for asthma sufferers to know the things that can help them avoid asthma symptoms.

Can the right diet prevent asthma symptoms?

Everyone knows that healthy diets promote good health. It can help them to avoid certain health problems and condition, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. However, can the right diet help us prevent asthma symptoms to occur? Well, there's no strong evidence that certain food can prevent inflammation of the airways. But, many experts believe that certain nutrition and food can help them to prevent asthma or relieve its symptoms.

Beverages to relieve symptoms of asthma

Some medical experts believe that beverages which contain caffeine can relieve the symptoms of asthma in some degrees. According to some research coffee and tea contains bronchodilation. This substance can also be found in asthma medication, such as inhaler. Drinking coffee or tea can decrease the severity of asthma symptoms for an hour or two. However, people with asthma mustn't rely on this beverage to relieve their symptoms. Coffee and tea is far from effective in relieving asthma symptoms. They must keep taking the inhaler and other asthma medication to manage their symptoms.

Other research said that caffee contain belongs to the same family of theophylline. Theophylline is used in inhaler and asthma drugs. This substance can relax the muscles around the airways so that people with asthma can breathe easier. It's said that the liver will break caffeine into several chemicals and one of them is theophyline. However, the amount of theophylline in a cup of coffee will only relieve the symptoms temporarily. If you are already taking theophylline medication, you mustn't drink too much coffee because the combination of theophylline in asthma medication and coffee can be dangerous.

Foods to help you fight and prevent asthma symptoms

When you're in a good condition, your body will be able to fight free radicals and illness easily. That’s why it's important for people with asthma to make sure that they get enough nutrition. With this nutrition, you can prevent asthma symptoms to occur. Here are some of the foods that are recommended for people with asthma.

- Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and antioxidants. If you suffer from asthma, you must make sure that you eat plenty of vegetables and fruits every day. By eating a lot of these foods, your body will get enough antioxidants and vitamins. In consequence, your body will have better immune system. Vitamin E, C, and beta carotene can help you manage the inflammation and swelling in your lung and airways.

- Omega-3 fatty acids
Taking omega-3 fatty acids is very important for people with asthma. This particular fatty acid can lower the inflammation in the airways. In consequence, taking it will enable you to decrease the severity of your asthma symptoms. You can get these fatty acids from fish oil supplement.

- vitamin D 
People who suffer from asthma usually have low vitamin D in their body. Lack of this vitamin can increase your chance of suffering from asthma symptoms. You can get plenty vitamin D from eggs, salmon, and milk. You can also get vitamin D by sunbathing in the morning.

Foods you must avoid

People with asthma may suffer from asthma symptoms because of eating the wrong food. Certain foods can cause allergic reaction in the form of swelling or inflamed airways. That’s why you must recognize the foods that cause your allergy. Once you identified it, you must avoid it altogether. Some experts recommend you to avoid eating certain food if you have asthma. Here are some of them.

- allergy-triggering foods
If you're not sure which food can cause asthma symptoms on you, you had better avoid all allergy-triggering foods. People with asthma usually will suffer from worse asthma symptoms. Some of the foods that can cause this condition are peanut, milk, shellfish, and eggs.

- Foods that contain sulfite
Sulfite is a preservative that are added to certain foods. This substance can prevent mold growth on dried fruits, frozen and fresh shrimps, pickles, wine, and other foods. Some people are sensitive to this preservative. Because of this substance, they suffer from moderate or severe asthma symptoms.

- Foods that is high in calories
People who are overweight usually suffer from more severe asthma symptoms. That’s why it's important for you to manage your weight. To manage your weight, you must avoid foods that contain high calories in your diet. If you are overweight, you must start low calorie diet to lose several pounds. Losing weight will improve your asthma symptoms even though you only lose a little.

To avoid asthma symptoms, you must also avoid the triggers. Some of the things you can do are cleaning/vacuuming your home regularly, using air conditioner, covering mouth and nose when it's cold outside, and avoid pets. In order to manage your symptoms, you must also exercise regularly. Regular exercise will strengthen your lungs. In consequence, you can avoid severe asthma symptoms.

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