July 11, 2016

Symptoms of Asthma in Babies: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Maybe you've read a lot of articles about asthma in adults. This time, we will discuss asthma in baby. Asthma that occurs in babies start growing a lot in the past ten years so everyone needs to know about this disease in order to carry out the handling and prevention more quickly. The cause of asthma in adults and baby have similarities namely respiratory tract to swell. The swelling makes airways become sensitive. Signs of this disease are nasal breathing, mild cough, and a more severe disruption in breathing. Conditions sick baby will definitely make you feel anxious. If your baby's breathing difficulty, then the chances of your baby suffering from asthma is bigger. Usually baby exposed to asthma caused due to genetic factors. Baby who develop asthma are more dangerous than adult asthma attack. Babies who have asthma will get worse effect. Asthma is an inflammation in the bronchioles that occur in the baby's lungs. The doctor will take action to seek a diagnosis of asthma by identifying symptoms that occur in the baby's body and examine their family medical history who have asthma. Baby who experience asthma can be known armpit age of the baby remains under three years. This disease will make the baby experienced shortness of breath and allergic to dust, animal fur, eggs, milk, and pollen. For certain conditions, the disease can be characterized by a baby has eczema. If there's a family who had suffered from asthma, then the baby's risk of developing this disease would be higher. There are several factors that can trigger asthma in your child as follows:

· Your baby is in a place with people who smoke. Cigarette smoke makes your baby has a four times greater risk of developing asthma.
· The infant's mother was an active smoker and when pregnant mothers also smoked.
· Babies born prematurely.
· Both parents and one of the parents of babies have asthma.
· Your baby has a food allergy or other allergies such as eczema.
· Your baby stays in place moldy and damp.

Asthma is a long-term illness that requires proper medical treatment. Asthma may recur suddenly unexpectedly. As a mother, you have to know how to relieve symptoms caused by asthma and prevent this disease from becoming more severe. You can do the following to reduce the symptoms of asthma in your child:

· Babies who had consumed milk complementary foods should be given vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C.
· You must ensure that your baby doesn't have lactose intolerance because it can produce excess mucus and clogs the airways of your baby.
 · Don't put detergent or other chemicals near your baby's room because of all the chemicals can make your baby's airways become irritated.

Asthma in baby can be treated but not cured. But you can overcome the symptoms caused by asthma by going to the doctor, make plans or traditional medical treatment. Asthma in baby would damage the health of the baby. Especially if your baby has grown into children, then their activity will be disrupted because of asthma. If asthma is left untreated, the life of your child could be in danger. Common symptoms that occur in baby with asthma are cough, shortness of breath, chest muscles become tight, and when the voice sounded nasal breathing. Other symptoms are baby have trouble sleeping because of his breathing became short, a cough that gets worse when together with the flu, a baby suffering from bronchitis because of the respiratory tract is infected, and so forth. Asthma symptoms can be different in every child and these symptoms can be changed for the worse. Nasal voice is most commonly associated with asthma, but not all children who have asthma have nasal voice. There are children who have only one symptom such as a blockage in the chest or coughing that doesn't heal. Sometimes symptoms such as acid can be caused by other respiratory problems. In children who suffer from asthma, respiratory tract will experience swelling because the immune system is owned by the child is very sensitive when exposed to asthma triggers. Sometimes asthma symptoms can appear as a trigger is not clear. Muscles in the airways will constrict, thick slime will meet bronchial, respiratory tract to swell when the asthma. Triggers of asthma that occurs in children can vary as follows:

· Fur, mold, dust
· Viral infections
· Pollution of the environment
· Changes in the air
· Cold air

Conditions related to asthma are as follows:

· Rhinitis
· Sinusitis
· Gastro esophageal reflux disease 

This time can't be explained with certainty there are children who have asthma and there are children who do not have asthma, but it's possibly due to environmental factors and genetic factors. Children who have a family history of asthma sufferers can experience this disease. Environmental factors that can make the child suffered from asthma are obesity, exposure to cigarette smoke, their history of asthma in the family, low weight, air pollution, and allergies. There are steps that can be done to avoid the symptoms of asthma in your child such as avoiding asthma triggers, don't put your child on the side of people who were smoking or in a room full of smoke, and don't forget to consult with your pediatrician to do the planning to prevent asthma. You should always maintain the cleanliness in your home so that there are no factors that can trigger asthma symptoms in your baby. Babies who suffered from asthma should be in the room clean of dust and pollution that asthma symptoms do not reappear. Don't maintain a furry animals and let the animal hanging around in your home because the fur is flying can make your baby's asthma becomes severe. If you have some spare time, then you can read the latest articles on the treatment of asthma and all matters relating to asthma so you can work out ways of treatment is right for your baby. Asthma suffered by children requires special treatment. Asthma can't be cured, but the symptoms of this disease can be made lighter or even with proper treatment, asthma symptoms do not reappear.

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