For its sufferers, asthma can be either debilitating or killing. A successful escape from asthma is thus necessary not only to avoid losing happiness and productiveness, but also to evade Grim Reaper’s mortal blow. People with asthma can practically escape from the disease’s incapacitating symptoms if they have full knowledge of it and all asthma triggers that may spark asthma attack and worsen the condition. Jerry Ericson’s Asthma Free Forever is designed to be an intuitive eBook that comprehensively discusses about all aspects of this disease and the best drug-free solutions to escape from it. Asthma Free Forever can be the best guide that you need now if you're struggling with asthma.
What Is Asthma and Why Do You Need to Escape from It?
Asthma is an inflammatory disease that causes breathing difficulty, including shortness of breath and breath lost. When asthma attack occurs, the bronchi, or air passages to the lung, and bronchioles, or narrow and branching tubes inside the lung, become inflamed, constricting the passages through which air can travel through the lung. This constriction causes people with asthma to struggle when breathing. The difficulty of breathing can be so severe that there is as if no air that goes out and in to the lung. In this situation, there is usually nothing that the asthmatic people can do except resting or looking for emergency help.
Why must asthma attack be prevented? Asthma is obviously debilitating. When asthma attack occurs, any activities that you're doing have to cease and you have to seek immediate help to deal with the problem. Oftentimes, you have to take some rest after the attack to stabilize your physical condition and to get yourself fully relieved. The period during the attack and a long while afterwards will be your resting period during which you cannot do any productive activities.
Losing precious time and productivity, however, is not the biggest reason why asthma attack must be avoided. Asthma is not only debilitating, but also potentially killing. More than 250 million people around the world are suffering from asthma today and more than 500,000 of those people have died in 2016 due to asthma attack. Asthma is a silent killer that should not be treated lightly. The biggest reason why you want to avoid asthma attack is because you simply want to save your life.
What Is Jerry Ericson’s Asthma Free Forever?
Jerry Ericson’s Asthma Free Forever is a brief, intuitive and comprehensive book that tells you everything about asthma, its triggers, and its solution. It's brief to give you shorter time to comprehend it fully. It's intuitive to allow you to understand its content and to practice everything that it instructs with no trouble. It's so comprehensive that it covers everything about asthma and leaves no stone unturned. The author is an asthma sufferer who has been struggling with all incapacitating asthma symptoms since childhood. This book is a compilation of everything that he has learned about asthma and all effective strategies that he has discovered and practiced not only to cope with his condition, but also to conquer asthma completely. If you wish to know everything about asthma and how to prevent it from ruining your life, this book is the best guide that you're looking for.
What Can You Achieve with Asthma Free Forever?
The tips provided by Asthma Free Forever might not be as conventional as you may think. As a sufferer of chronic asthma for 30 years, Jerry Ericson has obviously tried every conventional solution to solve his problem, including medical treatments, medications, and therapies that are normally prescribed to asthma sufferers. Jerry admits that few to none of those conventional solutions work. The book is a result of his long and arduous quest to find the best solutions for asthma. Some tips found in the book might be common tips that you often hear, but there are a lot of unique and potent tips that you rarely find in other books about asthma. Many of those tips are solutions that even your doctor rarely tells you about. Here are some unique features that Asthma Free Forever offers.
1.Natural and holistic asthma treatments that don’t always rely on drugs but are regarded as safe and effective even by medical professionals
2.Asthma solutions that are similarly potent to or better than medical treatments without the latter’s side effects
3.A lifelong solution that solves the supposedly incurable respiratory disease for the rest of your life
4.A relatively costless asthma solution that everyone can afford
5.A solution that not only gets rid of your asthma and its symptoms, but also strengthens your respiratory system
6.Asthma solution that allows you to enjoy a happy, healthy and productive life.
7.The holistic nature of the treatments allows effective cure not only of asthma, but also many other health problems people often suffer.
Asthma Free Forever is compiled based on Jerry’s personal life experience. It's a comprehensive story comprising how to live with asthma, how to detect asthma triggers, whether asthma is curable, diet and asthma, and many other things you want to know about asthma. Get this guide, learn about its tips and practice them and asthma should not be a problem anymore for you.
What Are the Perks?
Asthma Free Forever is designed to guarantee customers’ concord and satisfaction when using the guide to escape from asthma. A 60-day money-back guarantee is provided so that customers have 100% confidence that the guide will really work for them. The guide is also designed to be cost-effective. Much cheaper than conventional asthma treatments that may cost hundreds to thousands of dollars, the book is only tagged at $37. Customers who buy the book will also get 7 additional books that are designed to improve the overall quality of their life. With Asthma Free Forever, there are so many great things that you can achieve in your life. Asthma won't be as debilitating and threatening as it used to be.
Testimonial 1

Fighting asthma has always been daunting for me. I’ve used bronchodilator, taken drugs, followed doctor’s advices, and even used some alternative medicines recommended by my coworker, yet none seems to fulfill my remedial needs. I wouldn’t say that they don’t work. They are simply not as effective as they should be based on the information that I get. Worse yet, some medications and treatments actually do more harm than good to me. Here I talk about side effects, contraindication, and the drugs’ unknown yet spine-chilling effects to pregnant women like me.
The first time is see Jerry’s book, I see nothing special about it. If I can get professional advice from my doctor, who is undoubtedly the most proficient with health issues, especially mine, why should I try to get advice from some unknown book written by some unknown author with unknown experience in medicine? My skepticism, however, doesn’t last very long. When I read the book’s advertisement, the information about the book is so compelling that I feel the need to get one. However, it's not the ad that causes me to make up my mind—everyone can make a great advertisement for a low-quality product right? The appeal actually lies on the book’s price, which is barely comparable with the cost of a fancy dinner. Losing $30 is not a big deal right? Furthermore, the author promises that I can get my money back if the book does nothing beneficial as promised within the next two months. There is a lot of time to read the book and to practice its guide. There is a lot of time to prove whether this book is as potent as advertised or not.
So begins my journey with Asthma Free Forever. As I said earlier, I don’t expect much from the book when I buy it, but as I dig it page by page, my interest in its content grows and I begin to be immersed in it. The book is so brief yet comprehensive that I can actually finish it in two days without missing anything from it. In just two days, I can say that I understand everything that the book instructs me to do.
The real question is, does the book really work? Overall, I can say that the book actually talks about lifestyle improvement that is specifically tailored to the needs of asthmatic people. Avoiding pollutants, keeping healthy diet, and controlling body weight are common things that you generally do to improve your lifestyle, but the book actually gives emphasis to several aspects of this program that are designed to help people live amiably with asthma. One of the chapters in the book is titled living with asthma, so it basically guides people like me to treat asthma not as the worst omen, but as a manageable condition. Does the book really work? Jerry, who is asthmatic since childhood, seems to know how to convince people like me. After doing what he instructs for a while, I dare say that my asthma is no longer as enervating as it always is.
Testimonial 2
John Smith

In my life, there is one standard that I always keep: that no remedy outside the medical world is working for treating diseases. To fight my asthma, I only trust everything that my doctor prescribes me to take and commands me to do. Using inhalers, taking salbutamol, avoiding smoking and smokes, and installing air purifier are the most reasonable things that I can do to guard myself from asthma attack. For me, alternative medicines, anything Chinese, and everything pseudoscientific are unthinkable and highly unlikely choices for my remedial needs. So you can imagine how I respond when my friend shows me a link to Jerry’s book. “Natural remedies for asthma” and “curing asthma without drug” are uncanny words for me. They make the book appear suspicious or even fake. The only reason to buy the book is because I don’t want to hurt my friend’s feeling, not to mention that the price is also cheap for a casual reading. Besides, despite my skepticism, I'm curious enough to find out what are actually the so-called natural remedies for asthma. Physically, I cannot tell that the book is thick or thin, as it's an electronic book, but by looking at the number of its pages, I can say that it's not too thick for lazy readers like me.
The first chapter talks about the general information of asthma, which I, as an asthmatic, am already familiar with. I do not get fully enchanted by the book until I hit the second chapter, with its catchy title living with asthma. I've lived with asthma for years, yet the content of this chapter feels so new for me. So far, I believe that asthma attack occurs intermittently and sporadically without known causes. The book tells me that there are actually triggers that I can control, that I can manage my condition if I keep diary of it and list all triggers that can potentially spark the attack. The book tells me that asthma attack doesn’t occur sporadically. There are definite causes for it—things that I can actually avoid. The book also tells me that asthma triggers aren’t always physical. Asthma attack may also occur if I experience emotional and mental disturbance, such as during stress. There are many new things about asthma that I learn from this chapter and the ones after that. Suddenly, I feel that the book is truly enlightening. Despite its being relatively thin, it actually covers many asthma-related topics that are not only obscure for me before, but also helpful for my asthma management.
How can the book be helpful for me? To start with, the book basically tells about natural remedies, but there is actually not any bizarre, unconventional and pseudoscientific thing in it. It talks about diet, lifestyle improvement, and proper management of asthma attack, which are obviously beneficial for controlling asthma and living amiably with it. So when it says that it can overcome my asthma problem without relying on drugs, I can confidently say that the book keeps its promise in the best possible way.
Testimonial 3

I've been living with asthma since my childhood, and I dare say that my life has never been easy. I was bad at school and I was bad at work. Asthma attack has always been so troublesome that nothing in my life seems right. Asthma drugs, treatments and therapies are undoubtedly abundant, and I've always been relying on them especially during emergency situations when my asthma strikes. My inhaler and asthma-relieving drug do work in saving my life when things go really bad. However, my consciousness tells me that constantly relying on drugs is not a healthy lifestyle. Besides, some side effects, including diarrhea and dizziness, and intermittent asthma attacks due to improper use of albuterol have truly caused much problem for me. For years, I’ve been in an arduous quest to look for the best asthma solutions that don’t heavily involve the use of drugs. My quest seems to reach a definite goal when I discover Jerry’s book.
So far, I only know two worlds in asthma treatment industry: the world of conventional medicines approved by doctors and other medical professionals and the world of alternative medicines in which I find herbal and some Chinese medicines that are not always approved by conventional medical organizations. My tendency has always been to use conventional medicines as alternative medicines often have eerie effects that I don’t fully know. The first time I see Jerry’s book and the natural drug-less jargon that it uses, I almost think that it's just another alternative nonmedical approach to treat asthma. My conviction is proven to be false as none in Jerry’s book actually violates medical conventions.
Some advices that I get from Jerry’s book, such as how to avoid asthma triggers and why my asthma gets worse, are advices that my doctor also gives, but there are actually a lot more advices that are rarely given by any medical professionals that I've consulted but still reasonable and plausible. Advices like the importance of avoiding stress, improving diet, and exercises tailored especially for improving asthma are advices that doctors, who focus solely on asthma medication and treatment, often omit from their recommendations. When I find them in the book, I feel like enlightened as those approaches are not only designed specifically for asthma sufferers to control their condition, but also to improve their overall lifestyle. Reading this book is comparable to having a doctor, a nutritionist and a fitness trainer as my personal consultants at the same time, all of whom are collaborating to help me live better with my asthma.
Does the book work for me? To start with, the book is so intuitive that I can understand its content through only one read-through. There is hardly unnecessary word written in the book and I can comprehend every topic in the book without having to read the same spot over and over again. As a reading, the book works excellently. I've been practicing what is written in the book for two months now and I can say that the frequency of asthma attack has been greatly reduced, so I can also say that the tips the book gives to me also work excellently.
Testimonial 4

Asthma has truly ruined my life. I can hardly do my tasks efficiently and I feel that I've become so ugly and anorectic that some friends have started to feel pity for me. The period during asthma attack is especially the worst moment in my life. I have to leave my job early and I have to take a complete rest for the rest of the day. There is hardly an exciting day-off for asthmatic people like me. All this suffering now begins to wane after I read Jerry Ericson’s book and follow his tips.
If find Jerry’s book on some online advertising website which, for most internet users, is one of ignorable websites. Very rarely people pay attention to the content of such website. However, for desperate asthmatics like me, everything is usable, so after skipping all advertising claptrap and bombast on the page, I click on the buy button at the bottom of the page. The book’s price barely touches the $40 ceiling, so I believe that it's far from being expensive and wasteful for me, though I still think that the book is a little bit overpriced given the fact that the author only spends money for advertising it online and spends none for its printing and publishing. When I buy the book, it's bundled with seven additional books with titles that appear promising, though in the end, I believe that Jerry’s asthma book is the one that I need. Another consideration for buying this book is its 2-month money-back guarantee. Even if I consider myself a desperate asthmatic, I still have to be reasonable. Making my suffering more severe by being tricked by a scam is obviously not a clever idea. The money-back guarantee makes sure that I can get my money back if the book turns out to be a scam.
Desperately looking for the best solution, I skip the first chapter that basically talks about what asthma is, which I'm already familiar with. I jump directly to chapters elaborating asthma triggers, tips and strategies to live with asthma, and lifestyle changes, including diet management and exercises, necessary to keep asthma attack at bay. Jerry has made information written in his book as brief, intuitive and comprehensive as possible to allow lazy readers like me (because I don’t have much free time to read when asthma overwhelms me so much) to understand it completely in as short as possible time. If find its content so informative and practical that while reading it, I can already picture everything that I must do after finishing reading the book.
It has been a couple of months since the first time I practiced the book’s instructions. My asthma has become much easier to handle than it used to be. Asthma attack rarely occurs and within the last two weeks, I never experience such attack at all. I’m still practicing what the book tells me to do right now and overall, I can say that the book really works in helping me cope with asthma better than ever.
Testimonial 5

Jerry’s book might not be the first holistic solution for my asthma problem, but it's definitely the best. I've been living with asthma for years. Because many of my colleagues and relatives tell me that drugs actually bring more harm than good to me, I rarely use medications except an inhaler that I use only during emergency situations when asthma attack occurs. For years, I've been looking for alternative medicines that are regarded as effective for treating asthma but neither inject harmful chemicals to my body nor cause unwanted side effects. There are hundreds of such medicines out there and I practically have tried many of them. Because alternative medicines are hardly acknowledged by the medical world and there are few scientific researches that guarantee their efficacy, I'm fully prepared to accept that fact that some medicines that I try won't be as efficacious as advertised. Sadly, there are actually some medicines that are not only non-efficacious, but also detrimental to my health because those allegedly natural medicines actually contain preservative that can be dangerous when I take them. Since then, I’ve become more alert when I want to try a new medicine.
When I read Jerry’s book, expectation and alertness mix in my mind. I have full expectation that Asthma Free Forever can truly free me from asthma forever; however, I'm also aware that I've to be very cautious because the book may advertise a certain product with unknown safety feature. After I start reading the book, however, my concern begins to wane because it's actually not a certain book about a certain product. Conversely, it's a book that gives me many advices which I believe that even the most seasoned medical professionals agree. The book is mostly about lifestyle improvement that helps me cope with asthma. In other words, the book tells me that in order to control my asthma, I must accustom myself with healthy habits; eat only foods that improve my health and reduce the likeliness of asthma attack; avoid not only physical asthma triggers like pollen and dust, but also emotional ones, like stress; and treat asthma as a controllable handicap, not as a threatening nightmare. Overall, the book tells me to be a smarter and wiser person when handling asthma, more optimistic with my condition, healthier with my new healthy habit, and happier with my new ability to live amiably with asthma. There are recommendations to consume healthy herbs, but not uncanny herbal medicines, and to live naturally, but not with unknown supplements that are allegedly natural but actually contain toxin that will worsen my condition.
I can say that Jerry’s book does work. It's easy to read and to practice and the instructions written in it are not only doable, but also efficacious. Of course only people who can faithfully follow its instructions can reap tangible benefits from it; however, considering that those instructions are easy, I think that almost every reader of the book can practice its instructions just like I do.